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Vena Verga-Danemar

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2024 BUSINESS TRAINING (PART 3)Vena Verga-Danemar
00:00 / 15:14

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0:00 Here are two things that are true whatever business you are running.  One, you will be more secured if you are building business assets that you actually own, rather than assets that you cannot control. And second, it is easier to sell if you sell to your warm audience. 


2:08 And when we are talking about mindset shifts as entrepreneur, there is one that you need to remember: let go of things we cannot control and focus on those we can. 


2:25 What are things that you can control? One is building business assets that you actually own. Another thing that you can control is who to offer your services and programs to.


6:10 So again, in order to increase the chances of a successful sale, you need to offer to people who already knows you, trusts you, are already aware of the problem and knows that you have the solution. And where can you find these prospects? They are on your engaged email list.


9:35 The value of your list is 10x or more than the value of your social media following.

9:52 Building a leads list is not a walk in the park. 


13:36 If you want to start with building your list, a list that will be your warm audience that is ready to buy from you, then do these steps.

1.    Make a lead magnet

2.    Share your lead magnet, through your social media, your blogs, your friends.

3.    Use a proper call to action to lead people to your lead magnet so they can leave their emails in exchange for the lead magnet

4.    Nurture your email list.


14:00 But before you start your list building activities, there are several legal requirements you need to fulfil and that will be the focus of our next training.


What are the five essentials you need in your business in 2024 to be able to attract and close clients worldwide, with peace of mind and without the legal drama. Find out in Part 3 of this training series that will help you prepare your business for growth in 2024.


Email list, Building an email list, email marketing, how to do email marketing

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