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Vena Verga-Danemar

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00:00 / 11:42

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0:00 So, how to deal with Difficult clients?  To answer this question, I will share the four lessons I learned when I had to face nightmare clients.


2:44 The first lesson I learned was the fact that every experience you have, whether bad or good ones will teach you a lesson.  So don’t shy away from negative experiences because they will teach you many things. 

4:00 The second thing I learned is that you should not take things personally. You need to maintain a professional relationship with your client.

6:08 Someone said that by failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail. So even if all you are encountering at the moment are good clients. It only takes one horrible client to make you want to just go to bed, sleep, and not think of anything related to business. Only one. So you need to prepare for that one person or one situation. 

8:37 That not everyone needs to be your client.  You need to be able to qualify your prospects and repel those who will not be a good one. 

9:00 At the heart of all of these four lessons are these two things: to have the proper mindset that you will have problematic clients even if you are the best coach or best service provider out there and second is to prepare in the eventuality that you cross paths with a problematic client.

10:40 Download the E-MAP Checklist here


How do you deal with difficult Clients? You see, as an Entrepreneur, it is inevitable that you will face problematic clients.  The question is, are you ready? In this episode, I listed four things I learned after dealing with problematic clients in the past. And these learnings are what I apply when I have to deal with difficult clients. When the time comes, it is important that we have the right mindset so that we can adequately prepare and respond.


How To Deal With Problematic Clients, Dealing With Nightmare Clients

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Hi there Preppies,

It’s Vena Verga-Danemar

I am the co-CEO of the Danemar household, a seasoned business lawyer, and like you, an Online Business Owner.  While running a business involves hard work, there is a shorter and simpler path to success. You shouldn't have to give up too much time and suffer unnecessary stress that exceeds that of a full-time job.  Let's agree on that, shall we? Stick around, and I will show you tips, strategies, and insider knowledge to help you establish a business that grants you freedom, flexibility, and fulfillment.

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Legally She Can GmbH is not a law firm.  Vena Verga-Danemar is a licensed lawyer.  However, when you interact with her through Legally She Can or any of our social media sites, she is NOT acting as YOUR lawyer, nor is she going to establish a lawyer-client relationship with you.  The information you will obtain from Legally She Can or from Vena Verga-Danemar is NOT legal advice.  We provide educational and informational resources that are intended to help users succeed in their online business.  This is not intended to be attorney advertising.  

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