Vena Verga-Danemar

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0.23 It is important that we take care of ourselves – not just physically but mentally. Howeber, that is easier said than done.
2:17 As an employee, in general, you really don’t have to think of work outside of your 9-5 job. You go home and you can just leave all your work related worries in the office. And we can afford not to worry because as long as we do our job, we will get a salary from our employer.
2:38 Entrepreneurs on the other hand is in a completely different playing field. Our income is often tied to our work product.
2:57 Aside from the hours spent doing your service, we are also required to do the backend tasks like lead generation, networking and the likes. If you are not careful, all of these task will start to pile up which may lead to overwhelm.
3:39 I am pretty sure, you are familiar with FOMO but do you know that FOMO has a huge impact on your mental health as an entrepreneur?
4:17 We entrepreneurs are wired to look at new trends and new shiny objects because they might be the answer to our entrepreneurial problems, right?5:10 This constant need to be on trend, to keep up on what is new – it is FOMO and FOMO can lead to feelings of anxiety and even lower self-esteem. We might start doubting ourselves thinking we are not good enough compared to others. This can put a lot of stress on our minds.
5: 23 And this constant pressure, and anxiety distorts our focus. So instead of focusing on our business, we tend to chase the next shiny object.
5:37 Not only that, because of FomO, you tend to overwhelm yourself with a lot of task.
9:05 So what to do then? It is important for us entrepreneurs to really understand that everyone's journey is different, and success takes time. Instead of worrying about what others are doing, we should focus on our own goals and the steps we need to get there. Trying to find the next shiny object, or the newest platform, or the next trend – all of these can only lead to overwhelm, anxiety, stress and wasted time.
9:42 It is ok to be inspired by others but always check yourself why you are jumping into something new. Is it just because of FomO or is it really something necessary for your business success?
9:51 Keep things simple! Your mental health will thank you for that.
There is no question your mental health is important to your business success. In this episode, we will talk about the fear of missing out and how it affects your mental health as a business owner. Are you always running after the next shiny object? If you do and you feel overwhelmed, then you can't miss this episode of Legally Fluent® Online Business Decoded
How to Protect Your Mental Health as an entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship and Mental Health, Mental Health and Business